Firmware standard for FIDAS 200
페이지 정보
For Fidas® 200, we have the following options:
- Analyzer type: Fidas® 200, or 200 E, or 200 S
- Firmware license: PMAll (all PM fractions + size distribution), or PM10 (only PM10), or PM25 (only PM2.5)
- Inlet type: IADS standard or IADS extended
- Meteo station: WS compact (Thies, p/T/RH), or WS300 (Lufft, p/T/RH), or WS500 (+wind), or WS600 (+wind + precipitation)
- Fidas® 200 PMAll / IADS extended / WS compact - Fidas® 200 PM10 / IADS standard / WS300
- Fidas® 200 S PMAll / IADS standard / WS600
- Fidas® 200 E PM25 / IADS extended / WS compact
Date: 18.03.2024
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