International Sales Meeting 2022

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 1,090회 작성일 22-06-28 00:09


Meeting people from different countries is truly an event.

Traveling a long distance for a single meeting, listening and sharing about each other's concerns in a faraway country,
based on different customs and situations, seems like a great miracle in itself, although it is mostly about business.

My usual habits are rooted in friends, old colleagues and my neighbors.
In this seldom foreign environment, I learn new things and I grow a lot while meeting people of different nationalities.

It was really nice to have people, who listen to what I feel, touch, and think,  rather than other people's prejudices or obsessions.

Those who attended the seminar next to me seem to have mastered life. What remains at the end of a person's life?

I have had just worried whether my appearance was selfish to others, or that rushing is a not good looking.

The older we get, the more we think of the people around us.
And also, they said that when people grow old, they do not be getting old, but ripen.


Total 13건 1 페이지
비망록 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회 날짜
13 관리자 518 05-27
12 관리자 619 11-16
11 관리자 1150 12-09
열람중 관리자 1091 06-28
9 관리자 1035 04-21
8 관리자 1057 04-04
7 관리자 1080 03-10
6 관리자 1175 01-12
5 관리자 1199 12-28
4 관리자 1262 12-22
